Corporate History
Created in 2002.
Today, our network is actively creating a cleaner, more efficient energy future and resilient cities that can adapt to the challenges of climate change and natural disasters.
DEC was created in 2002 by a group of responsible leaders and industry champions that believed that the industry association should emerge as an important player and solution-provider for the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system.
The founding directors and executives believed that our organisation’s success should be measured not only in terms of technology innovation and market growth but also in terms of creating a healthier and diversified workforce, resilient and smarter communities and healthier global ecosystems.
Actively Creating a Cleaner, Energy Efficient Future
In 2002, there was little awareness of the benefits of decentralised energy and information was extremely limited. DEC’s first challenge was to cultivate a network of early adopters and industry champions that could create a unified industry voice and build an inventory of market intelligence. We have diligently grown this network reaching over 10,000 subscribers that represent the full value chain. It is one of Canada’s most diversified, inclusive, and successful industry networks and the only network dedicated to decentralised energy.
Without DEC’s market knowledge and industry engagement, Canada would be less prepared to respond to the technology disruptions associated with the ongoing industrial revolutions namely the fourth (cyber-physical systems and the internet of things) and the fifth (connecting innovation to purpose and inclusivity). Today, our network is actively creating a cleaner, more efficient energy future and resilient cities that can adapt to the challenges of climate change and natural disasters.