Intake #2 Closed
$2.4 Million for Decentralised Energy Innovation
Application Intake#2 Now Closed
Decentralised Energy Canada (DEC) and the City of Medicine Hat are proud partners in the first edition of the Energy Innovation Challenge. This is a groundbreaking three-year program piloting innovations designed to decongest distribution networks at the system level and the premise level. The challenge is unique in that innovations are being tested by a utility on existing electrical distribution infrastructure. Promising innovations can be replicated by other distribution network owners.
Three main program activities:
Strengthening Distribution Grids
We are seeking innovative solutions that demonstrate the value and benefits of decentralised energy including:
grid reliability
grid resiliency
energy affordability
These solutions must address one or more of the focus areas at the premise or system level.
Preference will be given to proponents who propose solutions that leverage or complement projects initiated in the first intake.
Intake #2 Challenge Statements
Grid Decongestion at Premise Level
Innovations that can help reduce peak demands at the customer/building level
HVAC Technologies – Low Carbon intensity HVAC components and technologies
Microgeneration Technologies – Your solution offers whole-building scale energy efficiency solutions and on-site technologies at the residential, commercial and industrial consumption levels (e.g., heat pumps, heat recovery, district energy, building integrated energy storage, etc.)
Energy Storage – Building integrated Energy Storage solutions
EV Charging – Public-use electric vehicle solutions
Grid Decongestion at System Level
Innovations that can help optimise current energy infrastructure at the distribution level
Energy Storage – Your solution leverages or is a new application of energy storage and other technical innovations to optimise the City's distribution system's technical, economic, and environmental performance
Energy Aggregation – Your solution leverages energy aggregation solutions and systems (e.g., virtual power plants) and offers innovative solutions, business models and contracting solutions
Microgeneration Technologies – Your solution leverages new or a new application of DER technologies, which optimise the performance of existing distribution systems or enhance their resilience
EV Charging – Public-access electric vehicle charging solutions avoid distribution system upgrades while enhancing public access to vehicle charging networks