David Silburn
Project Manager
David Silburn holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Calgary and has over 20 years of experience in sustainable design and high performance construction. David acts as architect, technical consultant, business development officer and construction consultant on energy efficient, net-zero and zero carbon, building-integrated renewable energy projects.
With a keen eye towards research innovation, emerging technologies and best business practice, David has worked with facility teams, power plant and building management operators, researchers, engineers, trades and well over 300 residential and commercial building industry partners to adopt, improve and integrate sustainable technologies and products into high performance buildings. He continues to consult, design and teach sustainable building, energy management and building science courses for the Federal Government and Lakeland Colleges.
David enjoys being active outdoors with a young family and renovating old heritage homes, strangely while still living in them. His family, dog, cat, and their dusty boots, can be found in a 1913 century home in Calgary Alberta.