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Energy Sector Trade Mission to Colombia - March 2022

The Renewables/Energy Transition agenda will run from Monday 14th March – Friday 18th March and will also include engagement with government, leading industry associations e.g. SER Colombia, Acolgen, regional renewable energy clusters, major project developers e.g. Ecopetrol, Celsia, Vestas, site visits to new projects and a series of B2B activities with local companies.

This program will be suitable for organizations from across the renewable energy supply chain, project developers and financiers, environmental services, waste to energy, energy storage, energy efficiency, hydrogen and CCUS. Consultancies that can advise on the development of projects, infrastructure, and regulations to support the sector would also find this valuable.

Recruitment is now open and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis - we hope to have all organizations that wish to travel confirmed by late January to provide time to develop a bespoke agenda that fits with the objectives of all participants.

Organizations wishing to register for the mission should do so ASAP via Jennifer Tuck and Neil McIntosh indicating which program/both they would like to attend.

Any firms wishing to arrange a one-to-one discussion on the market and the applicability of their products/services in advance of this session can do so by contacting Neil McIntosh

Eligibility: Any organization involved in the Energy and Clean Tech sectors, and with a presence in Atlantic Canada, can participate in this initiative.

Please note: This trade mission is subject to Covid-19 travel restrictions

Click here for more information.

March 2

Tech Series #4: The Evolution of Technology in Power Generation (CEATI)

March 15

MaRS Mornings with Amanda Hall of Summit Nanotech