What Happens if Regulations Change?

It is possible that Alberta will see some regulatory changes during the regulatory review process initiated by the Alberta Government. It is also likely that the Alberta Climate Leadership Plan will undergo revision. As regulatory, operational, and granting programs evolve it is certain that community projects will still retain a certain level of complexity that the guidebook and toolkit will support.

While the status of the SSGR and many other regulatory frameworks are uncertain, communities are still exploring opportunities for economic development through decentralised energy generation. Recognizing the guidebook and toolkit content will evolve as regulations change, there is a need for a consolidated source of credible information for community leaders, decision makers, building managers, and municipal planners to navigate the process of decentralised energy development.

Community Benefit Statements (CBSs) and Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs) are well established in the oil and gas industry in Alberta and should not be impacted by the changes in regulations. They will likely continue to be important in future community generation projects. As well, increased interest in P3 (public-private partnership) structures for Alberta infrastructure development may also play a role in future projects.