DEADLINE PASSED: Advancing Hydrogen — Competition One

Call for Proposals

Building a hydrogen economy while leveraging Alberta’s existing natural resources and human capacity in the hydrogen economy is a critical component of innovation in the province.

The Advancing Hydrogen — Competition One program is the first round of funding available under the Hydrogen Centre of Excellence. The centre was announced on April 26, 2022, receiving $50 million in funding from the Government of Alberta as an important delivery mechanism for the policy pillars outlined in the Alberta Hydrogen Roadmap.

Funded projects will activate the centre’s objectives of:

  • Developing and deploying hydrogen-focused technologies;

  • Strengthening Alberta’s environmental, social, and corporate governance credentials while spurring economic growth;

  • Building a sustainable and self-sufficient clean hydrogen economy in Alberta; and

  • Increasing Alberta’s technology strength in clean hydrogen technology deployment.

Deadline for submissions: September 6, 2022


FlexEnergy Solutions
