Webinar recording: Making affordable housing sustainable

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If you’re a municipal, non-profit or co-operative housing provider, our $300 million Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH) initiative is for you. Whether you want to complete an energy efficient retrofit or engage in a new capital project, SAH funding can help you increase the quality, affordability and energy efficiency of your buildings.

Watch this webinar recording to learn about the various forms of grant, loan and capacity building support we offer to help you retrofit existing units or build new ones. It includes a discussion on the many ways we can help during any stage of your project.


  • Benjamin Koczwarski, Outreach Advisor, FCM Programs

  • Jen Arntfield, Lead, Sustainable Affordable Housing, Green Municipal Fund

Interested in more SAH resources? These factsheets will help you get started.

Click here for more information on this program.


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