Alberta Innovates announces $2.5-MIL funding for DICE program
Source: Anthony Capkun · ELECTRICAL BUSINESS · | October 25, 2021
Source: Electrical Business
October 25, 2021 – Alberta Innovates announced a new round of funding under its Digital Innovation in Clean Energy (DICE) program to fund the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, industrial IoT, augmented reality, and unmanned aerial vehicle technologies for use in Canada’s energy industry.
“The DICE competition brings together energy and digital technology innovators. Response to our first funding call was impressive and shows how extensive the expertise is, and how fast Albertans can bring globally relevant ideas and solutions to market,” said Laura Kilcrease, CEO, Alberta Innovates.
In all, $2.5 million is available from Alberta Innovates, with up to $350,000 available per project.
DICE projects develop technologies and accelerate them into market, improving the efficiency of energy production, reducing GHG emissions, creating jobs in the digital economy, and contributing to environmental innovations in water and land management, the agency says.
The program reduces the risk involved in developing technologies while developing additional skills and knowledge in the digital innovation ecosystem for highly qualified personnel, adds Alberta Innovates.