Alberta Innovates to receive nearly $50 million in new government funding for projects

Source: Kellen Taniguchi · EDMONTON JOURNAL · | November 17, 2021

Source: Alberta Jobs, Economy and Innovation Minister Doug Schweitzer. PHOTO BY JIM WELLS /Postmedia

In a Wednesday news release, Jobs, Economy and Innovation Minister Doug Schweitzer said the money will help the province become a stronger leader in clean energy technologies.

“Alberta continues to lead in all forms of energy innovation,” said Schweitzer. “Alberta Innovates is building on our strengths by supporting groundbreaking discoveries and commercializing innovative solutions Alberta — and the world — needs.”

Alberta Innovates is a provincial government agency that reports to the jobs, economy and innovation minister.

The funding is being provided to 23 projects. Projects began as early as January 2021 and must be completed by March 2023.

“These projects aim to reduce emissions, reduce water use, increase value, decrease costs and manage waste through new technologies and precesses,” said Laura Kilcrease, CEO of Alberta Innovates.


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