B.C. Hydro predicts 'bottleneck' as electric vehicle demand ramps up
Source: · DRIVING · | July 29, 2021
Two-thirds of British Columbians are considering buying an EV over the next five years, according to a survey commissioned by B.C. Hydro
Source: Pixabay
B.C. Hydro is warning of a post-pandemic “EV bottleneck” as it predicts pent-up demand will lead to record-breaking sales for electric vehicles in 2021.
A new survey by B.C. Hydro found 85 per cent of British Columbians put off buying an electric vehicle during the pandemic, but as the province reopens, the number of people on the road commuting to and from work and school is expected to rise 15 per cent compared to before the pandemic.
It found about two-thirds of British Columbians are considering buying an EV over the next five years, with 60 per cent saying they’d go with an EV if they can get one sooner.
“The EV market is at a potential tipping point, as demand is on the rise and will likely continue to grow long-term,” said a report about the findings released Wednesday.
The demand for EVs is prompted by rising gas prices, environmental concerns, and to save money on maintenance costs like oil changes and engine repairs, said the report. At the same time, a shortage of semiconductor chips and lithium ion batteries needed for auto production is squeezing supply.
For people wanting to make the switch to electric, B.C. Hydro recommended they plan ahead and get on several wait-lists. Used EVs are also a cheaper option.