Canada’s energy system: your questions answered

Source: · BULLFROG POWER · | May 31, 2019

Source: Bullfrog Power

Source: Bullfrog Power

Before and during our webinar overview of Canada’s electricity system —featuring our President, Sean Drygas, and Kathleen Gnocato, Director of Strategy & Product Development at MaRS Discovery District—we were blown away by all the thoughtful questions we received. It’s clear that Canadians care about where their power comes from, and what impact it has on the environment. Since there’s only so much we can cover in an hour, we’ve answered a few additional questions here. Kathleen considered these questions through the lens of her role at the MaRS Discovery District, which supports 1400+ Canadian ventures, including Cleantech ventures focused on addressing several of the issues raised. Her answers highlight a few emerging Canadian technologies that demonstrate what is possible. If you missed the webinar, you can watch the recording below:


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Vale is installing at Ilha Guaíba terminal (TIG), in Rio de Janeiro, one of the country's largest battery energy storage systems to supply electrical demand.