Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act a framework for worker, industry and government dialogue

Source: | · PEMBINA INSTITUTE · | June 15, 2023

The Act provides avenues for provinces and territories, and Canadians, to plan for prosperous pathways to net-zero

Photo: Pembina Institute

OTTAWA — Kendall Anderson, Program Director, Equitable Transition at the Pembina Institute made the following statement in response to the federal government’s release of the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act:

"The Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act provides a framework for government, employers and workers to come together to inform policy and investment decisions that seize on opportunities to create economic growth and high-quality jobs for Canadians in a new energy future.

"As the world moves toward a net-zero economy, Canada must work to secure a competitive place in global supply chains to position the country for economic prosperity and job growth. To meet the demand for more diversified, resilient clean energy, hundreds of thousands of skilled workers will be needed between now and 2050 to power that economy. The Act can offer a constructive process for dialogue to ensure the voices of Canadian workers, and vulnerable and underrepresented groups who are disproportionately impacted by climate change are included in defining the best pathways to low-carbon energy.

"We are encouraged that the Act articulates guiding principles informed by the International Labour Organization such as social dialogue between unions and workers, and government and employers. We are also pleased to see reporting requirements that lend greater accountability to the government’s progress on sustainable jobs planning.


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