Canadian Geothermal Energy Association

The Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA) is the collective voice of Canada’s geothermal energy industry with a focus on the power generation from geothermal energy resources and industry-scale direct use. As a non-profit industry association, we represent the interests of our member companies with the primary goal of unlocking the country’s tremendous geothermal energy potential. Geothermal energy can provide competitively-priced, renewable, round-the-clock energy to the Canadian market.

By 2025, geothermal power plants with a capacity of 5,000 MW could be installed and would provide up to 41,000 GWh/yr of competitively priced, renewable, base-load power to the Canadian and U.S. markets. Using reliable technology, geothermal energy could power 5 million households; generate the equivalent amount of power as the entire coal-fired power plant fleet in Alberta (39,000 GWh/yr) or roughly 70% of British Columbia's hydropower generation (59,000 GWh/yr). If fossil fuels are substituted with geothermal energy, Canada’s CO2 emissions could be reduced by up to 25 million tonnes per year. Simultaneously, this development could create up to 39,000 part-time and full-time jobs. Additionally, geothermal energy can help to reduce high electricity and heating costs, which are prevalent in remote communities in the Canadian North - fostering energy security, economic growth and sustainable development.

CanGEA promotes the industry and the potential of geothermal energy in Canada through outreach events, research, policy work and representation of Canadian interests internationally.



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