Capital project: GHG reduction pathway retrofit

Achieve near-net zero carbon community buildings over time

Capital project GHG reduction pathway retrofit.jpg

Achieve near-net zero carbon community buildings over time

Make significant reductions in energy-use and GHG emissions by retrofitting community buildings over time. This funding enables the implementation of longer-term, multi-measure retrofit capital projects that contribute to a GHG reduction pathway.

What is a GHG reduction pathway?

A sequence of GHG reduction measures that allow local recreational and cultural facilities to achieve 50% GHG reductions within 10 years and 80% GHG reductions within the next 20 years. GHG reduction pathway capital projects are conducted in phases towards near-net zero, supported by an ongoing strategy to ensure existing equipment and systems operate optimally. An example of the pathway could include:

  • Phase 1: Improvements are made to a community building envelope that also address critical building upgrades (e.g., insulation, energy efficient windows, etc.) in year 1

  • Phase 2: Focus on high rate-of-return GHG reduction measures in years 5 – 6

  • Phase 3: HVAC system is replaced at end-of-life in year 10

  • Phase 4: Solar PV is added to the roof in year 15

This is just one example of a GHG reduction pathway. Each pathway will reflect unique objectives, constraints and preferred measures. Funding applications must consist of at least one phase in support of a GHG reduction pathway. Funding recipients may then re-apply in the future for further GHG reduction pathway retrofit capital project funding for subsequent phases subject to funding availability.

Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer will close when all the funding has been allocated. 


April 2021 Innovation Funding Bulletin


Capital project: GHG impact retrofit