Considerations when deciding the size, configuration, and integration of a CHP plant
Source: Gruppo AB · HORTIDAILY · | July 7, 2021
"No (grid) power? No problem!"
Source: An ECOMAX CHP plant installed at Selby Salads Ltd’s site (UK). Picture courtesy of P3P Partners LLP.
Globally, the greenhouse sector continues to go through exponential growth. The location of new greenhouse facilities is driven by several factors that include proximity to market, availability of suitable development land, proximity to distribution networks, availability of natural gas, availability of electricity, etc.
To satisfy the increasing demand for locally produced vegetables and year-round production, more and more greenhouses are investing in grow lights which will help increase production and deliver produce throughout the winter months.
The installation of grow lights significantly increases the power demand of a greenhouse and it is not uncommon that at the perfect location for a new greenhouse the local electricity grid cannot deliver the power required.
Natural gas
The solution seems straightforward: If the grid cannot supply the power needed, but there is sufficient natural gas available, investing in an on-site cogeneration plant can provide the power required. What is often overlooked however is the proper integration of a cogeneration plant in the greenhouse. There are several important considerations when deciding the size, configuration, and integration of a CHP plant in a greenhouse facility.