Decarbonizing Industrial Heating
Source: · NU:IONIC · | February 10, 2022
Source: Nu:ionic Technologies
The path to net zero requires the participation of every industry segment. In the report Renewables 2021, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported that heat is the world’s largest energy end use, with industrial processes responsible for just over half of the energy consumed for heat, representing 26% of global emissions. Industrial production growth is expected to continue, and so emission declines will come from energy efficiencies, some uptake in renewables (fuels and electricity), through significant deployment of CCUS and the implementation of hydrogen as a fuel.
In the decarbonization of industrial heat, Nu:ionic is commercializing cost-effective solutions that allow industry to reach near term net zero goals in a pragmatic and future-proof manner. The challenge is significant, and it is our belief that there are 3 key enablers required for meaningful decarbonization of industrial heating to become a reality:
Availability of cost effective, abundant and continuously non-emitting clean electricity.
Availability of carbon transportation and sequestration infrastructure.
Widespread deployment of low carbon hydrogen infrastructure.
There is a chicken-and-egg problem here – if the market waits for the infrastructure before implementing low carbon technologies, the infrastructure may never come. At Nu:ionic, we are striving to make sensible options available to industry today, allowing companies to take meaningful steps toward decarbonization TODAY.