EHRC’s Green Jobs Program Provides up to $30K for Hiring Youth

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Employers, take note! You could be eligible for a Green Jobs wage subsidy of 75% up to a maximum of $22,500 when you hire a young worker (age 15 – 30) in the green economy. For employers with placements in northern, rural and remote communities, this amount increases to 75% up to a maximum of $30,000.

Currently, Canada’s electricity sector counts lower numbers of youth among its workforce than other sectors. While there are many contributing factors to this phenomenon, recent research by Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) reveals a surprising insight: many Millennial and Generation Z workers do not consider careers in electricity because they are largely unaware of the range of opportunities that exist. As a result, they are more likely to look elsewhere for employment opportunities.

As a recent open letter to the Government of Canada emphasized, investing in youth is critical for Canada’s economic recovery. For a sector like ours, already experiencing significant technological and demographic shifts before the pandemic, a focus on hiring young people today is especially important for ensuring a strong and resilient workforce tomorrow.

We all know that there are many innovative and rewarding career paths to be found in electricity. In fact, many characteristics of electricity sector jobs map directly on to the factors that young workers look for in a career. When surveyed as part of EHRC’s Generation Impact report, Millennials and Generation Z Canadians reported that job stability, good pay and fulfilling work are the top things they consider when looking for a job.

Generation Impact also revealed that for many in this cohort, the opportunity to be a part of solutions to the world’s challenges is an important component of a fulfilling job. Awareness of the climate crisis is high among this group, and messaging about innovation by the electricity sector to address this issue resonated well with them. Young workers are inspired by the idea that they can put their skills and knowledge to work for solutions that benefit the world. In the current climate of accelerated change, the electricity sector can benefit greatly from the perspectives and experiences of young people who are keen to make a difference.

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By participating in the Green Jobs wage subsidy program, you can attract cutting-edge talent that will benefit your organizations for years to come, while boosting the competitiveness of the sector as a whole. Our sector is already home to world-class innovation, leadership in safety, and one of the cleanest grids in the world. As we continue to build, we must include young workers: and Green Jobs makes this easier than ever.


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