Energy Futures Lab Fellowship

Driving transformative change in an increasingly polarized world

Tackling current and future energy system challenges requires a diversity of perspectives and abilities. No single person or organization has the knowledge or capacity to independently create the energy system that the future requires of us. To do so, we require a diversity of stakeholder insights, perspectives, and contributions.

This is why we convene a diverse Fellowship to help co-create an energy future aligned with our shared 2050 vision. Fellows are the heart of the Lab, driving our Innovation Challenges and innovative solutions forward with passion and enthusiasm. With change-makers from the startup ecosystem, digital innovation, utilities, academia, Indigenous communities, oil and gas industry, and elsewhere, the Fellowship is intended to reflect a broad diversity of perspectives, needs and interests related to our evolving energy system. As we work to shape our energy future, we’ve discovered the importance of fostering “creative tensions” in a way that respects and elevates all voices within brave, respectful, collaborative spaces.

EFL Fellows have the opportunity and responsibility to deepen their understanding of our evolving energy system by engaging with a variety of stakeholder perspectives and ambitions. Fellows build trust, share knowledge, and work together to refine ideas and scale the impact of collaborative initiatives that support the transition to a more resilient, prosperous and equitable energy system.

Deadline to apply is November 15, 2022.

Click here for more information.


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