Foresight 50

Are You One of Canada's 50 Most InvestableVentures?

Foresight 50 shines a spotlight on the most investable Canadian cleantech ventures who are raising dilutive capital this year and/or into early 2024.

Our 2021 companies raised almost $600M. Our 2022 cohort was featured in over 900 international media hits. What impact will you have?

This program is open to privately held ventures with legal standing in Canada. 

We define cleantech broadly, however, ventures able to provide a clear description of the mechanism or method for current or future environmental impact will be prioritized. Applicants are judged by an independent panel of investors and investment professionals on the basis of:

  1. Stage-appropriate investability

  2. (Potential) Environmental impact

  3. Leadership team

  4. Probability of success

Applications Close July 21, 2023.


Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) Awarded $2.1 Million to Support Youth Hiring and Training


Global Momentum on Power Purchase Agreements: Putting Alberta in Context