Go Nukes

Source: James Freeman · THE WALLSTREET JOURNAL · | October 12, 2021

Outside the White House, much of the world is moving toward reliable energy.

President Joe Biden’s weak standing in public opinion polls is so dangerous for incumbent Democrats that party colleagues up for reelection in 2022 may soon be chanting, “Let’s go, Brandon!”

Part of Mr. Biden’s problem is that much of his agenda is disconnected from the current challenges facing the country. The federal government has pumped so much money into the economy that for the moment increasing numbers of Americans don’t even feel the need to work—yet his top legislative priority is to spend trillions more.

It’s not just the historic amount of money that is troublesome. The pending reconciliation bill would pour gargantuan subsidies into renewable energy projects that even some of the most ardent climate activists in the world are beginning to abandon.

Outside of the leadership of the Democratic Party in the U.S., politicians world-wide are moving toward embracing the energy source that can reliably generate significant power without greenhouse gas emissions—and without a large geographic footprint. Michael Shellenberger writes on Substack:

National leaders around the world are announcing big plans to return to nuclear energy now that the cost of natural gas, coal, and petroleum are spiking, and weather-dependent renewables are failing to deliver.


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