Meet our new Director for Ontario!

Source: | · CANREA · | October 18, 2024

As Ontario Director, Eric Muller will represent CanREA members and conduct advocacy to advance policy outcomes in Ontario.

CanREA is thrilled to welcome Eric Muller as our new Director, Ontario.

He will represent CanREA members in Ontario and lead the Ontario Network, conducting advocacy to advance policy outcomes in the province.

“I am very excited to join CanREA as the Director for Ontario,” said Muller. “I look forward to representing CanREA members to advance clean, low-cost, reliable, flexible and scalable energy solutions in Ontario—and across Canada.”

Prior to joining CanREA, Eric worked in a variety of functions at Ontario Power Generation, QUEST Canada and the Independent Electricity System Operator. He holds a bilingual Master’s degree in Public and International Affairs from York University.

Eric is based in the Greater Toronto Area.


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