Member, Net-Zero Advisory Body
Under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, the Net-Zero Advisory Body is mandated to provide the Minister of Environment and Climate Change with independent advice with respect to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050,including advice respecting:
greenhouse gas emissions targets for milestone years (i.e., 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045);
greenhouse gas emissions reduction plans by the Government of Canada, including measures and sectoral strategies that the Government of Canada could implement to achieve a greenhouse gas emissions target; and
any matter referred to it by the Minister.
The Net-Zero Advisory Body's mandate also includes conducting engagement activities related to achieving net-zero emissions.
The Net-Zero Advisory Body is composed of up to 15 members who serve as individuals and do not represent any organization with which they are affiliated.
Responsibilities of members include but are not limited to
Contributing to the development of advice, attending meetings, leading or serving on subcommittees and participating in engagement activities;
Reviewing and endorsing all public-facing reports, or providing a written statement of differing opinions if unable to achieve consensus on a specific element of advice in an annual report;
Demonstrating high standards of corporate governance and ethics at all times; and
Acting in good faith and in the best interests of the Net-Zero Advisory Body as a whole.
Application Deadline: Review of applications (more information here) will begin on September 18, 2024.