Mercedes-Benz announces plan to go all-electric by 2030

Source: Fred Lambert · ELECTREK · | July 22, 2021

Source: Electrek

Source: Electrek

Mercedes-Benz today announced a new electrification plan that sets them up to “go all-electric by the end of the decade.”

The German automaker is the latest in a series of automakers who are trying to put a timeline on when they are going to sell their latest internal combustion engine vehicle.

For Mercedes-Benz, they believe that it will happen by the end of the decade.

Ola Källenius, CEO of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, commented on the announcement:

The EV shift is picking up speed – especially in the luxury segment, where Mercedes-Benz belongs. The tipping point is getting closer and we will be ready as markets switch to electric-only by the end of this decade. This step marks a profound reallocation of capital. By managing this faster transformation while safeguarding our profitability targets, we will ensure the enduring success of Mercedes-Benz. Thanks to our highly qualified and motivated workforce, I am convinced that we will be successful in this exciting new era.

In order to achieve that, Mercedes-Benz announced that it is working on three new all-electric platforms that will launch in 2025.

With those platforms, the automaker plans to only launch new all-electric vehicles from that point on and phase out fossil fuel-powered vehicles during the second half of the decade.

Here are the main points of Mercedes-Benz’s electrification plan:

  • All newly launched architectures will be electric-only from 2025 onwards.

  • In 2025 Mercedes-Benz will launch three electric-only architectures.

  • Mercedes-Benz will be ready to go all electric at the end of the decade, where market conditions allow.

  • Mercedes-Benz to install battery cell capacity of more than 200 Gigawatt hours with partners, plans for eight Gigafactories.

  • New partnerships for development and production of battery cells in Europe.

  • Efficiency of electric drivetrains to be enhanced through vertical integration and the acquisition of YASA, a specialist in ultra-high performance axial flux motors.


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