Mission from MaRS: Climate Impact Challenge

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Announced on February 10, the Mission from MaRS: Climate Impact Challenge is a national competition that aims to rapidly accelerate the adoption of Canada’s most impactful emission reducing innovations.

MaRS is seeking ventures across three core technology and infrastructure themes: energy, real estate, and transportation. Together, solutions targeting these sectors have the potential to mitigate gigatons of greenhouse gas emissions globally and, in the process, change the way the global marketplace views Canada’s cleantech sector. 

Each venture in the initiative will be paired with a curated team of potential end customers, industry suppliers, strategic investors, regulators and policymakers. These stakeholders will help identify barriers to the widespread adoption of their technologies and develop strategies for the removal of these barriers. 

Application deadline March 24, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. E.T.

Click here for official rules.

Click here to apply.


Alberta Innovates


Energy, climate and the media a discussion with CBC’s Laura Lynch