November Innovation Funding Bulletin!

Funding Bulletin November.jpg

Hello Everyone!

This month is filled with contrast on so many fronts! Living our lives while being safe and managing the pandemic. Managing social isolation and social distancing with friends and family so we are connected. Working at home / working at work. Kids at home or online. University students online or at university. The pleasantness of November feeling like the end of summer versus the start of fall. The cliff hanging suspense in the US continues with a leadership race between an erratic/divisive individual and an empathic statesman uniting Americans with the expertise and experience of 47 years in public service. November is a month of contrast!   


The Alberta Recovery Plan will provide up to $280M from TIER ($180M) and LCELF ($100M):

  • The Shovel-Ready Challenge to assist industrial sites reduce emissions and create jobs - $150M

  • The Energy Savings for Business Program – $55M to help Alberta’s SME facilities benefit from industrial and commercial projects like heating and insulation upgrades, and,

  • $75 million in ERA’s Partnership Intake Program to support emissions reduction projects.

The federal Emissions Reduction Fund will provide $675M to reduce methane emissions onshore and offshore to reach the 2012 target levels by 2025. The RFP for the onshore proposals closes Nov 30/20.

Total TIER funding stands at $750M. Environment Minister Jason Nixon indicated that announcements will come over the next few weeks as to how the $750M will be spent.  $750M in TIER funding along with additional funds for industry and other sectors is estimated to total $1.9 billion - greatly impacting Alberta's economy.

In addition to this announcement, there is a plethora of grant funding programs made available via the Alberta Recovery Plan and via the Federal Throne Speech.  Call for assistance as you may require for assistance on selecting funding opportunities that fit your innovation and growth plans.  

Spurring innovation in Alberta is a recent provincial infrastructure decision that approved a 30 year lease for the University Innovation Quarter (the University Research Park) with the transfer of ownership to the University Innovation Quarter Trust.

Lastly, check out Canada’s Digital Marketplace - this Marketplace is designed to modernize government procurement processes thereby making it easier for your business to access procurement opportunities - all leading to potentially growing your business.   


As per the latest ENMAX bill - my home takes 61% less power than an energy efficient home! With using the C-train, filling the gas tank is once a month versus 2 or 3 times a month. Garbage disposal is down to one small bag each month. Going Green in our homes can be done! 

ATCO Ltd. recently received $2.8M in provincial funding for a $5.7M project that will blend H2 with natural gas streams for distribution to homes in Fort Saskatchewan.  Going green is a possibility for all Canadians - one step at a time!

Lastly, there’s good ‘green’ news from TransAlta - it is planning to cease operating its Highvale coal mine in Alberta by the end of 2021, and, will stop using coal to power generators in Canada by Jan. 1, 2022.

Remembering the millions of men, women and children who lost their lives in battle, or due to torture or hunger.  

Remembering the millions returning home with lifetime injuries, horrific memories, battle shock and the unknown PTSD.


Until the next Funding Bulletin - Best Regards, Be Safe, Be in Touch!

Eileen Ashmore, MBA, CMC Management Consultant - Technology Funding Specialist

-  Assisting Technology Driven Businesses Grow Revenues, and, Secure Innovation Funding Grants -


$150 Million Announced for Shovel-Ready Projects in Alberta


Two solutions to reduce your business’ energy spend