Out of thin air: new solar-powered invention creates hydrogen fuel from the atmosphere

Source: Donna Lu | · THE GUARDIAN · | September 6, 2022

Researchers say their prototype produces hydrogen with greater than 99% purity and works in air as dry as 4% relative humidity

Source: University of Melbourne researchers say their new solar-powered device can convert moisture in the air into 99% pure hydrogen gas. Photograph: Getty Images

Researchers have created a solar-powered device that produces hydrogen fuel directly from moisture in the air.

According to its inventors, the prototype produces hydrogen with greater than 99% purity and can work in air that is as dry as 4% relative humidity. The device would allow hydrogen to be produced without carbon emissions even in regions where water on land is scarce, they say.

Hydrogen is a zero-carbon fuel that yields only water as a byproduct when used in fuel cells. However, pure hydrogen is not abundant in nature and producing it requires energy input. Large-scale production commonly involves fossil fuels that generate carbon emissions.

The study’s lead author and a senior lecturer in chemical engineering at the University of Melbourne, Dr Gang Kevin Li, said the hydrogen-producing device could be powered by solar or wind energy.


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