Oxford Net Zero

Welcome to this February edition of the Oxford Net Zero newsletter! In this edition, we have a blog post on 5 ways to make net zero happen, two exciting vacancies in the team, a new course for public servants and a number of events.

5 ways to make net zero happen

Professor Sam Fankhauser, Oxford Net Zero's Research Director, proposes five strategic interventions that would accelerate the path to net zero in a blog post in Breakthrough Energy's Cipher.

Based on a recent article, the blog argues for:

1.    Making polluters pay

2.    Promoting zero-carbon investment

3.    Building zero-carbon skills

4.    Regulating carbon offsets

5.    Ramping up removals

This follows a recent Oxford Net Zero paper on ‘the meaning of net zero and how to get it right’ in Nature Climate Change and accompanying op-ed in The Conversation.

Events featuring our researchers

The path to net zero – Why and how for business and financial markets, Weds 23 February, 17:45-19:00 

Professor Myles Allen is joining this Saïd Business School discussion on how businesses and the financial markets will deliver on Net Zero ambitions. He joins panellists from the London Stock Exchange, Unilever and Franklin Templeton. You can find out more to attend in person in Oxford, or watch on YouTube

Natural capital protection and restoration in England, Thurs 24 Feb, morning 

Professor Nathalie Seddon is speaking at a Westminster Forum conference on ‘Natural capital protection and restoration in England - next steps for policy, regulation, land management, ecosystem services, and nature-based solutions’ on Thursday 24 February. Find out more.  

Scaling up climate finance: How the public and private sectors can work together, Weds 2 March, 12:00-13:30 

Dr Jessica Omukuti will take part in this COP26 Universities Network event, bringing together a panel of experts to debate how the public and private sectors can work together to scale up the needed finance; ensure countries can access the finance they need; and how we can transparently monitor finance flows. Find out more including how to watch online. 

Policy interventions for accelerating the transition to net zero (Masterclass for public servants), Weds 9 March, 16:00-17:00

This free online masterclass to hear from leading experts at the University of Oxford, the Climate Change Committee and government about how you can achieve meaningful impact from climate policy.

The event has especially been designed for public servants leading climate policy design or implementation across any part of government. It delves into some of the content from Oxford Net Zero's new course for public servants, Reaching Net Zero, launching on 22 April 2022.


  • Chris Stark, Chief Executive, Climate Change Committe

  • Sam Fankhauser, Professor of Climate Economics, University of Oxford

  • Kaya Axelsson, Net Zero Policy Engagement Fellow, University of Oxford

Find out more and sign up.


Panasonic to start producing 4680 battery cells for Tesla in 2023


Green not grey: How Canada can tap into the $2.5-trillion hydrogen market