Energy Futures Youth Seed Fund

The Energy Futures Youth Seed Fund provides Albertans aged 18-30 access to low-barrier financial support for projects or initiatives that help accelerate the transition to the energy system the future requires of us.

With $50,000 in total eligible grants, our goal with this program is to support projects initiated, led, and organized by young people. Grants range from $200-$2500. We’re looking for your creativity and passion to help enable a just and sustainable energy transition.

Learn how to receive funding to support your project!

What is a Just and Sustainable Energy Transition

Energy transition is about more than just reaching net-zero emissions targets. While enabling a low-emissions future is critical, we must also consider how people from across all demographics will fit into the new systems we’re working to create.

The Government of Canada defines just transition as an approach to economic, environmental and social policy that aims to create an equitable and prosperous future for workers and communities as the world builds a low-carbon economy.

Meanwhile, the EFL considers a sustainable transition to be one that aligns with The Four System Conditions of a Sustainable Society.

A just and sustainable energy transition, therefore, focuses on people, economy and climate.

Click here to learn more.

Click here to apply.


Energy Transition or Energy Extremism?!


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