Request for Proposals: Advancing climate change science and technology

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The new Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF) will invest $206 million over five years to support Canadian-made projects that help to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The current request for proposals is seeking projects that advance climate change science and technology in Canada. The objective of this request for proposals is to support projects that will strengthen Canada’s science capacity to understand, identify, accelerate, and evaluate mitigation actions that will work towards achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.

Climate change science and technology projects may include activities related to monitoring, data collection, model development, application of novel technologies, and/or knowledge synthesis aimed at enhancing understanding at the national, provincial, regional, or local level, including Indigenous communities.

There is a two-step application process, consisting of a letter of intent phase open to all eligible applicants, followed by an invitation-only full proposal phase. This is intended to facilitate the development of a broad range of innovative proposals.

Eligible recipients

To be eligible for funding under this request for proposals, lead applicants must be one of the following:

  • universities and other academic institutions;

  • not-for-profit non-government organizations (NGO, e.g., environmental community groups); or

  • Indigenous organizations

Lead applicants are responsible for submitting their proposal through the Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System, and for negotiating and signing a Funding Agreement, if selected. Lead applicants are encouraged to consider collaborative proposals and partner with other academic institutions or organizations, including federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government partners.

Click here for more information.


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