Rigs to Renewables – How An Oil and Gas Guy Got Involved With Forever Energy

Source: David Dodge · GREEN ENERGY FUTURES · | December 16, 2021

Jason Beacock works for a new kind of company. The company’s name is ENEON which derives from EN “energy” over the EONs and it’s a two-year-old company that’s carving a piece of the emerging $7 billion battery energy storage industry.

Beacock, like many young Albertans, was drawn to the oil industry fresh out of school by the allure of high-paying jobs.

“My dad worked in oil and gas. We lived in a lot of different towns throughout Alberta and after I finished high school, I didn’t go to post-secondary, I went directly into oil and gas,” says Beacock.

Beacock stayed there for 10 years. “I had an amazing time, met some amazing people, and learned lots of amazing things,” he says.

Bull Creek Wind Farm in Alberta. Photo David Dodge, GreenEnergyFutures.ca

Beacock then opened a restaurant and music venue in Lethbridge and when he “ran out of money” he went back to oil and gas working on the technology side of things.

Then the company he was working for, Tundra Process Solutions, took a dramatic turn and teamed up with Canadian Energy, a well-established battery storage company.

Together the companies created ENEON which focuses on large-scale batteries, energy storage, and integration and design of systems that pair with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.


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