RVM The Generator

Highlights of Alberta's Generation Sector

The AESO issued an Energy Emergency Alert 1 at 16:34 on June 29, asking consumers to reduce demand after the province reached a new summer peak at 14:00 of 11,721 MW. It was terminated at 18:09 of the same day.

  • The AUC issued its 2020-2021 Report Card outlining its progress toward streamlining regulatory processes, reducing red tape, and increasing investor confidence to become "one of the fastest and most effective regulators in North America".

  • The AUC determined (AUC Proceeding 26090) that the existing distribution-connected generation (DCG) credit mechanism within ATCO Electric Ltd., ENMAX Power Corporation and FortisAlberta Inc.'s respective tariffs will be discontinued. The AUC also determined that a four-year transition period, set on a declining basis, is appropriate.

  • Barlow Solar Park Ltd. was granted approval by the AUC (Proceeding 26578) to delay completion of its 27 MW Barlow Solar Park from January 31, 2022 to December 31, 2022. The project was first approved (AUC Proceeding 25690) on November 16, 2020.

  • Enel Alberta Wind Inc. has been granted AUC approval (Proceeding 26612) to delay the completion of its 120 MW Grizzly Bear Creek Wind Power Project, located in the Vermilion area, from June 30, 2021 to June 30, 2022. E.ON Climate & Renewables Canada Ltd. first received approval for the project (AUC Proceeding 3329) in May 2016.

  • The AUC approved (Proceeding 26603) Achernar GP Ltd.'s request to delay the completion of its 39 MW Empress Solar Project from March 31, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Aura Power Renewables Ltd. first received approval for the project in October of 2019 under AUC Proceeding 23580.

  • Conrad Solar Inc. applied to the AUC (Proceeding 26633) to finalize equipment selection and to delay the completion of its 41.4 MW Wrentham Solar Project from September 15, 2021 to February 2022. The project was first approved under AUC Proceeding 24844 by Solar Krafte Utilities Inc. in April, 2020.

  • 2113260 Alberta Ltd., as Oyen Solar Partners, applied to the AUC (Proceeding 26625) to delay completion of its 15 MW Oyen Community Solar Project from June 2021 to December 31, 2022. The project was first approved and received community generating unit designation under AUC Proceeding 24845 in 2020.

  • Amazon announced that it has signed a power purchase agreement with Greengate Power Corp. to buy up to 400 MW of electricity from the $700M, 465 MW Travers Solar project located southeast of Calgary. The project is expected to be online by 2022.

  • The AESO held Session 6A and Session 6B of its Bulk & TAriff Design consultation process. Comments on the AESO's Session 6B, Bulk & Regional Tariff Design are due July 9, 2021. Written consultation is expected to be due late August or September 2021.

  • The AESO posted its Energy Storage Next Steps stating that after reviewing comments to the Letter of Notice for Development of Proposed Amendments to ISO rules to Enable Energy Storage, it will review the ISO rules and draft proposed amendments. It is targeting completion in the fall of 2021 and intends to hold a stakeholder session to discuss the draft proposed amendments later in the fall.

  • The AESO posted a Letter of Notice for the Draft Proposed Amended Section 103.3, ISO Rules, Financial Security Requirements. Comments are due by July 14, 202


Senate passes emissions-targets bill


Renewables accounted for more than a quarter of all U.S. electrical generation in April