RVM The Generator

Highlights of Alberta's Generation Sector

TransAlta Corporation submitted notice to the AUC (Proceeding 26946) that it will no longer pursue conversion to combined cycle of its Keephills 1 coal facility and will permanently discontinue operations and commence removal effective December 31, 2021.

  • The AUC denied (AUC Proceeding 26660) two applications for a review of decision Proceeding 26090 regarding distribution credits for generators connected to the distribution system. Decision 26090 determined that the existing distribution-connected credit mechanism within the tariffs of ATCO Electric Ltd., ENMAX Power Corporation, and FortisAlberta Inc. was not just and reasonable.

  • The AESO posted its 2022 Business Plan and Budget Proposal and responses to its Budget Review Process September 29th, 2021 Stakeholder Engagement Session. Stakeholders interested in presenting at the AESO's November 17th Board meeting are requested to submit presentations by November 9th.

  • Concord Drumheller GP2 Ltd. received approval (AUC Proceeding 26901) for an extension to complete its 13.5MW - 8MW/8MWh Drumheller Storage and Battery Project to December 31, 2022. The project was originally permitted by Drumheller Solar Corporation under AUC Proceeding 25234 in December 2019 and was acquired by Concord in February, 2021 (AUC Proceeding 26383).

  • The AESO submitted its Bulk and Regional Rate Design and Modernized DOS Rate Design Application to the AUC (Proceeding 26911).

  • WCSB Blockchain Infrastructure Ltd., a subsidiary of Tidewater Midstream & Infrastructure Ltd., applied (AUC Proceeding 26912) for an exemption from the Electric Utilities Act for its 72 MW Ram River Isolated Power Plant. The proposed project, which will be completely isloatated from the AIES, is located within the boundary of the Ram River Gas Plant in the Municipal District of Clearwater County, 50 km southwest of Rocky Mountain House. It is comprised of two Pratt & Whitney FT8 natural gas-fired generating turbines, two HRSGs, and one steam turbine. The project will be constructed in two phases with the simple cycle mode being compete in January 2022 and the combined cycle by December 2022.

  • The AUC approved (Proceeding 26744) KALiNA Distributed Power Limited application to construct and operate its 64MW Saddle Hills combined cycle project, located 30 km southwest of Spirit River within Saddle Hills County. The project will be connected to the ATCO distribution system and is expected to be online by February 2024.


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