RVM The Generator

  • The Government of Alberta introduced Bill 86: Electricity Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 to enable greater integration of technical innovations to Alberta's electricity system. Specifically, the Bill is intended to allow integration of storage, the unlimited self-supply and export of electricity, ensure cost-effective integration of distributed resources, and to require distribution owners to prepare long-term plans.

  • The AESO issued a statement indicating that, in light of Bill 86, it is assessing work done to date regarding its Energy Storage Rules Amendment process and does not anticipate having any proposed amendments for stakeholder feedback until Q1 2022.

  • Prairie Lights Power GP Inc. applied (AUC Proceeding 26982) to increase the size of its 360 MW Prairie Lights Power Plant (AUC Proceeding 24758) to 400 MW. The project will consist of a one-on-one power island using a General Electric 7HA.01 combustion turbine. The project is expected to be online by November 2024.

  • The AUC closed (AUC Proceeding 26974) ENGIE Development Canada LP's application for the 400 MW Buffalo Trail Power Project due to failure to provide an AEP Renewable Energy Referral Report. The application was submitted on November 16, 2021 stating that the AEP review was expected shortly.

  • BowArk Energy Ltd. received approval (AUC Proceeding 26983) to extend the time required to complete the project, as well as to update its participant involvement program and noise impact assessment, for its 34 MW Drywwod Generating Power Plant until November 30, 2022. The 3 x 11.3 MW Wartizila 20V31SG reciprocating engine project, located near the Town of Pincher Creek, was approved (AUC Proceeding 24551) in October 2019 and was expected to be online by end of 2020.

  • Bull Trail Renewable Energy Centre LP, a subsidiary of EDF Renewables Canada Inc., submitted an application (AUC Proceeding 26981) to construct and operation the 270 MW Bull Trail Wind Power Project, located 3 km from the Hamlet of Irvine southeast of Medicine Hat. The project will consist of up to 51 5.2 MW turbines with a maximum hub height of 120m and a maximum rotor diameter of 160m. The project is expected to be in service by September 30, 2023.


Alberta Energy Transition Study | A $6B Opportunity


What Can We Learn from Indigenous Communities about Microgrids?