RVM The Generator

  • The AESO issued an Energy Emergency Alert 1 at 7:29 pm on December 27, 2021, which was terminated at 1 am the following day. At the time, pool price was at or above $999.96/MW for eight consecutive hours. Alberta also set a new usage record of 11,939 MW at 6 pm on January 3rd, 2022, exceeding the old record of 11,729 MW by 210 MW.

  • Concord submitted Letters of Enquiry to the AUC to delay the completion of its 22 MW Coaldale Solar Project (AUC Proceeding 27080), located near the town of Coaldale, from March 31, 2022 September 20, 2022, and its 22 MW Vulcan Solar Project (AUC Proceeding 27079), located approximately 3.5 km southeast of Vulcan, from June 30, 2022 to December 31, 2022, siting Covid and supply chain issues. The projects were originally permitted by Acestes Ventures Ltd. (AUC Proceeding 23821) and (AUC Proceeding 23645) and were acquired by Concord (AUC Proceeding 25412) and (AUC Proceeding 25413) in March, 2020.

  • The AESO posted its DER Roadmap Q4 2021 Update 5. In the last 12 months, distributed generation in Alberta has increase 20%, from 757 MW to 908 MW.

  • Solar Krafte Utilities has applied (AUC Proceeding 27077) to construct and operate its 60 MWac Vauxhall Solar Farm located approximately 5 km north west of the Town of Vauxhall. The project had been proposed at 150 MW but was reduced to 60 MW due to limitations in transmission capacity. It is expected to be online by September 30, 2023.

  • Verosium Energy Ltd. received approval to construct and operate its fleet of 5 MW natural gas-fired Distributed Energy Resources Power Plants: Green Glade 1 (AUC Proceeding 27045), Berkinshaw 1 (AUC Proceeding 27052), and Netook 1 (AUC Proceeding 27044). Each will utilize two reciprocating engines and have a heat rate of 9.5 GJ/MWh. In service date is expected to be October, 2022, December 2022, and February 2023 respectively. The company is awaiting approval (AUC Proceeding 27057) for its 5 MW Gillespie 1 project.

  • The AESO issued its Net-Zero Emission Electricity System Pathways Engagement letter establishing its objective to produce its first related report in June 2022. The report will describe the potential decarbonization pathways that can lead to a net-zero emission electricity sector by 2035. The AESO is seeking input from stakeholders until January 31, 2022.


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