Building Capacity with the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program


Accelerating Canada’s Low Carbon Future

SREPs supports accelerating eligible projects that can transform our electricity sector as we move toward the net-zero economy of 2050. Capacity building also helps communities and organizations to acquire knowledge and the tools needed to develop renewable energy and grid modernization projects. Both are key steps in Canada’s equitable transition to a cleaner electrical grid.

Enabling the Future of Renewable Energy in Communities through Capacity Building

Through the SREPs capacity building stream, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) will provide funding for projects that build knowledge and skills related to renewable energy and grid modernization technologies, and also support equity, diversity and inclusion activities. These projects will enable communities and individuals to participate in the Canadian electricity and energy sector’s transition to low carbon. SREPs aims to support projects across the country while encouraging the participation and leadership of First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities.

What projects are eligible?

All projects must support electricity/renewable energy in Canada.

Capacity building activities eligible for funding under this stream can include, but are not limited to:

  • Studies: feasibility, engineering, environmental, resource assessment and other studies that lead to tangible, transformative change.

  • Knowledge building and sharing: training, workshops, engagement activities, networking, knowledge tools.

  • Equity, diversity and inclusion projects: mentoring, apprenticeships, and training focused on underrepresented groups.

Deadline for submitting project proposals is October 22, 2021.


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