Southeast Asia Cleantech – Canadian Technology Accelerator

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Do you want to scale up your cleantech or smart cities technology in Southeast Asia? The region is looking to maximize resource efficiency, improve access to necessities such as water and energy, incorporate climate change resilience in infrastructure and more. The Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) global business development program can help you can access growth opportunities in Southeast Asia including:

  • Singapore

  • Vietnam

  • Malaysia

  • The Philippines

Who should apply

We are looking for smart cities or cleantech technologies or products in one of the following areas:

  • ocean plastics

  • recycling and value/resource recovery from key waste streams such as:

    • plastics

    • electrical and electronic waste

    • metals

    • food waste/organic waste

    • polymers

    • packaging waste

    • hydrocarbon waste and/or construction waste

  • municipal solid waste management

  • data and analytics driven waste management

  • landfill avoidance and conservation; diversion of ash and residues to conserve landfill space, and/or environmental remediation of dumping grounds and landfills

  • waste collection, segregation and processing

  • waste-to-energy or waste-to-value (other resource)

We are seeking Canadian innovators who have:

  • revenue-generating businesses with a fully built validated technology

  • passionate and committed team with specific market-entry goals

  • sufficient resources to target and achieve growth in new markets

The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) supports diversity, equity and inclusion in trade. We strongly encourage companies led by Canadians of all backgrounds and orientations to apply.

Deadline to apply is August 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM MST

Click here for more information.

Click here to apply.


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