Strategic Timelines September Funding Bulletin

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Hello Everyone!

I hope that the summer was a good one for you and everyone at your business, and, that you are keeping the faith and progressing. The good news is that it is the first week of September and that means start time!

There will be an incredible impact of mega funding programs - the Alberta Recovery Plan, the Federal Safe Restart program, Alberta's orphan well program, Alberta's methane reduction program, CRIN's $100M program, the 10 year Petrochemical Program, the Covid-19 response plans plus the $100M award to AMII - the impact of these programs is going to do wonders.

From a funding perspective, this is a very good time to:

  1. Secure employment and training funding in readiness to hire new employees to support your company's recovery,

  2. Prepare funding applications for upcoming R&D/test/demo/ commercialization project work to start these projects in early 2021, and

  3. Update supporting documents like your business plan/marketing-sales plan, financials, market assessment and competitor analysis findings - all in preparation for not only guiding your business for a strong start this month but also required for most funding applications - and, be ready for securing funding as per the Alberta Recovery Plan, and, the Innovation Employment Grant in January.

For today, the focus of this funding bulletin is on the importance of your becoming quickly apprised of employment and training funding to ensure that your business is ready and fully operational in short order. I've built an Overview of the Employment and Training Funding Programs that is an affordable Subscription - Sept that briefly describes 30+ programs worthy of your review.


Paul Paynter of Crownsmen recently called and we talked about the promotional services of Crownsmen. Crownsmen interviews energy / cleantech executives and broadcasts these interviews to reach energy professionals in Canada and the US. What piqued my interest was that the TURKANA interview got just under 18,000 hits! Thought you might like to explore this affordable promotional avenue! Many of you may know Paul Paynter previously of SRC. Paul can be reached at 403 589 2654 - email


A MOU has been signed with Transpod for the Hyperloop!


In Perry Kinkaide's most recent article, a promising treatment for degenerative diseases in aging populations is highlighted. Check out: Cell Therapy Advances - Several Hurdles Remain

The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals

For inspiration this month, here's the UN's 17 sustainable development goals: no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice and strong institutions, and, partnerships for the goals.

Canadians can be thankful although there are too many Canadians without these very basic necessities.

About Climate Change: Here's the September 2018 address by the Secretary General, and, the February 16, 2020 speech in PAKISTAN. On a totally different topic, and, thought provoking, have a look at FREECONOMICS.

Lastly, many thanks to my client who encouraged me to provide employment and training funding information to everyone on this mailing list - it’s an opportunity not to miss!

Best Regards, Be Safe, Have a Very Good September, Be in Touch!

Eileen Ashmore, MBA, CMC Management Consultant - Technology Funding Specialist

403 252 0799 |

Assisting Technology Driven Businesses Grow Revenues, and, Secure Innovation Funding Grants


Strategic Timelines works with you to learn about innovation funding that fits your requirements, and prepare funding submissions with compelling positioning strategies to significantly increase your opportunity for securing funding, financing and/or investment. Call today for insight and strategies. 403 252 0799


Strategic Innovation Fund


Shopping mall saves big on power