Test Driving Green Heat: Advanced Procurement Notice Now Available

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The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) are seeking a large-scale, low carbon energy generation/transfer system for heating existing buildings by integrating with their current hydronic heat distribution systems. A test building has been selected in Kingston, Ontario for a Design-Build team to design and install an innovative system, in order to assess the effectiveness and the costs of these integrated technologies, with the aim of reducing the energy demand and carbon footprint of DND/CAFs infrastructure portfolio. The potential funding for the Design-Build contract component of the project has been established in the range of $5,000,000.

An Advance Procurement Notice with details on the project has been issued by Defence Construction Canada. This advance notice provides the anticipated security requirements and project outcomes to interested academics, researchers, manufacturers, consultants and contractors. It also provides an opportunity to organize a project team and to allow interested innovators the opportunity to apply for security clearances.

The full Request for Proposals will be issued in the Summer of 2021.

Click here for more information.


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