Centre for Grid Innovation Project Seed Funding
NAIT Director M. Anne Naeth – Future Energy Systems
The Centre for Grid Innovation, through The Distributed Energy Management Initiative (DEMI), is offering Project Seed Funding (PSF) to qualifying Alberta businesses and organizations. This funding aims to further innovation initiatives and technology development in Alberta's electricity grid.
Funding of up to $50,000 (cash and in-kind) is available to successful SMEs.
To qualify for the PSF a cash contribution of at least $5,000 is required by the applicant. The cash contribution cannot include any costs associated with labour hours, effort, material procurement, or assets furnished. It must comprise solely of cash on-hand that is to be contributed towards the project. SMEs must also:
be incorporated in Alberta with at least two years of corporate filings on record
have at least one full-time employee on staff
have a business plan to commercialize the proposed innovation or service
Qualifying organizations that can apply for the PSF are as follows:
Private small-to-medium enterprises (less than 500 employees)
Community enterprises
Development organizations
Click here for more information.