The Net-Zero Challenge

Achieving net-zero emissions requires support from all parts of our society, including the private sector. Companies operating in Canada have an essential role to play in helping the country achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. To support Canadian companies in reducing their emissions, the Government of Canada launched the Net-Zero Challenge.

The Challenge encourages companies to develop and implement credible and effective plans to transition their facilities and operations to net-zero emissions by 2050. This Challenge builds on the momentum of global initiatives, while offering a made-in-Canada approach.

What will the Net-Zero Challenge accomplish

Through the Challenge, the Government of Canada will accomplish the following:

  • Normalize net-zero planning so that it becomes the default business practice.

  • Build momentum through guidance and leadership.

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industrial and other sectors.

  • Position its industries to be green and competitive in the global net-zero economy.


DEADLINE PASSED: NATO Innovation Challenge - Fall 2022


DEADLINE PASSED: #UNIDOGlobalCall 2022: Global Call for Green Technology and Solutions towards Net-Zero