TIER Economic Recovery Program

Deadline for proposal submission is November 30, 2020.

Alberta Innovates’ TIER Economic Recovery Program (Program) will consist of a set of “shovel-ready” projects that will accelerate innovation in support of GHG emissions reduction, increase long-term economic competitiveness and stimulate growth in critically important sectors of Alberta’s economy. Full proposals must be submitted by November 30, 2020 to be reviewed in the first application cohort.  

Program Details

Full TIER Program and TIER Application details can be found in reference guides with links provided below.

Eligible Applicants: 

  • Program applicants may be technology developers, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, research and development organizations, post-secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government research labs, and individuals.

  • Collaboration between multiple organizations is encouraged to add value through technology validation, commercialization, and sharing of results.

Common themes of successful projects:

  • they can be kicked off quickly and generate immediate economic benefits including job creation;

  • they are fully aligned with the objectives of TIER fund and will lead to both near-term and long-term GHG emission reduction; and

  • they can improve the competitive advantages and sustainability of Alberta’s resource sectors.

Program investments will range from $200,000 up to $5 million per project.

Applicants will be required to provide some matching funds, and projects will have well-defined objectives, milestones, deliverables, and timelines.

Deadline for proposal submission is November 30, 2020.


Platform Calgary


$150 Million Announced for Shovel-Ready Projects in Alberta