Message from the Chair and President
“One of the fastest growing employment segments will emerge from the digitalisation of the electricity sector.”
In our 18th year of service to our members, it has never been more certain that Decentralised Energy (DE) has a clear and prominent future. Utilities and technology companies throughout the country are modifying their service offerings to capture the vast opportunities that come with emergence of a highly interconnected distribution network consisting of a multitude of energy generation and consumption points.
Consumers of all types are already important DE asset owners. DE systems are essentially appliances for homes and communities that provide heat and or power to run other equipment, appliances and devices e.g. ventilation systems, hot water tanks, dishwashers, fridges, computers, phones, air conditioning, televisions, and pumps. The integration of energy systems into buildings and communities is becoming the norm because it brings efficiency gains, greater resiliency, more control, lower costs and improved system performance.