Rockstart Energy Program

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Accelerating startups at the intersection of IT and Energy.

Rockstart Energy is a domain-focused accelerator-VC with follow-on growth funding which will invest in early stage businesses contributing to the energy transition. The Energy Program is a high-intensity program for seed-stage energy startups using data and digital technologies as a driver and enabler. We select and support early stage startups with high impact potential, ‘accelerate’ them through our Energy program into investable businesses, and co-invest in subsequent funding rounds. We help startups build, validate and scale their business, find the best product and market fit to grow internationally and get ready for funding. Our customized program runs on average 1 week per month for 6 months, mostly at our HQ in Amsterdam.

Application Deadline: July 26, 2020

Click here for more information.

Click here to apply.


QUEST Innovation Sandboxes


Message from the Chair and President