Transition of Energy Efficiency Alberta

Update on Changes at Energy Efficiency Alberta

This afternoon, the Government of Alberta announced the dissolution of Energy Efficiency Alberta, effective September 30, 2020.

Energy efficiency remains an important part of the government’s plan to reduce costs and cut carbon. However, as part of government’s red tape reduction efforts, some of Energy Efficiency Alberta’s programs and associated staff will move to Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) with others going to the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) and Alberta Environment and Parks. These are well run, established organizations that have an excellent track record in emissions reductions.

We expect Energy Efficiency Alberta’s business and commercial programs will do well in supporting the current, exciting projects underway within ERA. With their focus on more than 65 per cent of Alberta’s overall emissions, this work will have an important, positive impact on future investment decisions in the province. The MCCAC is eager to move the Clean Energy Improvement Program forward with municipalities and I am pleased that it will receive good care and attention. Energy Management programs will be transitioned to Alberta Environment and Parks to support the existing cohorts in progress.

A solid foundation of energy efficiency work has been completed over the last three years by the dedicated staff at Energy Efficiency Alberta. We have supported businesses, industrial facilities, public institutions and households, generating more than $952 million in economic growth and creating $800 million in energy savings and emissions reductions across the province.

There are many more opportunities for cost-saving and emissions reductions. I am confident that what we created will live on and grow in ERA and MCCAC and create future economic and environmental opportunities for Alberta.

Over the next 90 days, we will be working closely with the government, ERA and the MCCAC to ensure a smooth transition. More communication will follow in the coming weeks to ensure stakeholders know who to contact with questions.

Thank you for your past support of Energy Efficiency Alberta. I hope you will continue to be part of Alberta’s energy efficiency journey in the future.

Monica Curtis | CEO, Energy Efficiency Alberta


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