Energy Innovation Program - Carbon capture, utilization and storage RD&D Call

For interested applicants, the information sessions for the Capture focus area will take place virtually at 1:00PM ET on August 17, 2022 (English) and August 18, 2022 (French) – click on the dates to register. If you are unable to attend, please email us and we can send you a recording of the presentation.


Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) provides an important pathway to emissions reductions for energy and industrial activities under conditions where neither electrification nor low carbon fuels are able to provide technically or economically feasible low-carbon solutions.

As part of Budget 2021, the government is investing $319 million over seven years into research, development, and demonstrations to advance the commercial viability of CCUS technologies. These funds will support businesses, academia, non-profits, government, and federal laboratories on the path to net-zero emissions by 2050. In 2021-22, OERD ran a call for proposals with up to $50 million in support for FEED studies for large-scale CCUS facilities. The CCUS RD&D call will focus on earlier-stage RD&D activities across three different focus areas. There will be individual intake processes for each focus area, as outlined in the timelines below. Separate and detailed guidance will be provided for each focus area on the opening date of the expression of interest phase.

EOI opens July 7, 2022. Deadline to apply is October 3, 2022


JCOR Energy Consulting Inc.


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