Announcing a New $29-Million Fund for Remote Communities to Switch from Diesel to Renewables


The CEDR Program provides non-repayable funding contributions for clean energy initiatives to eligible remote communities that are off-grid residential regions that rely on diesel fuel for electricity generation. British Columbia has approximately forty-four (44) remote communities, most of which are governed by First Nations. Many of these remote communities are served by BC Hydro, while some own and operate their own diesel generators. In 2019, the remote communities consumed at least 19.1 million litres of diesel, emitting 51,784 tonnes CO2e.

Remote communities will have access to three funding streams to support them as they progress through various stages of their planning and implementation of their decarbonization projects. This will ensure remote communities have financial supports throughout the lifecycle of their energy projects that meets them at the stage where they are at, whether it be at the beginning, early, mid, or late stages of planning or implementation of their decarbonization projects.

The CEDR Program was funded and developed in partnership with Coast Funds and the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation as part of the Ministry’s remote community energy strategy to achieve the CleanBC goal of reducing diesel electricity generation and heating in remote communities by 80% by 2030. The CEDR Program will also be co-delivered by Coast Funds who will focus on supporting the eligible remote communities in the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii.

Click here for more information.


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