ERA – Food Farming and Forestry Challenge


Emissions Reduction Alberta’s new $40 million Food, Farming, and Forestry Challenge is now accepting applications. This funding opportunity will accelerate innovation in support of long-term competitiveness and stimulate growth in the critically important agriculture, agri-food, fibre, and forestry sectors. It provides near-term capital to innovators in these critical Alberta industries, while also identifying opportunities and solutions for longer term economic recovery, investment attraction, job creation, and emissions reduction.

ERA will fund up to $5 million per project and up to 50 per cent of total project costs. ERA may consider reducing this requirement for projects where strong justification is provided. Funding is being sourced from the carbon price paid by Large Final Emitters (LFE’s) in Alberta through Alberta’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) fund. Proponents must match ERA’s investment with private funds.

Innovators with pilot, demonstration, scale-up, and first-of-kind deployment projects are invited to apply. Proposals may be submitted by farmers, ranchers, innovators, technology developers, Indigenous communities, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), research and development (R&D) organizations, post secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government research labs, and individuals. Partnerships and collaborations between multiple organizations are encouraged.

Application deadline is August 27, 2020

Click here for more information.


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