DEADLINE PASSED: Grid Innovation Fund

The Grid Innovation Fund supports innovation with the potential to achieve significant electricity bill savings for Ontario ratepayers – either by enabling greater competition in Ontario’s electricity markets or by helping customers better manage their energy consumption.

The Grid Innovation Fund advances innovative opportunities to achieve electricity bill savings for Ontario ratepayers by funding projects that either enable customers to better manage their energy consumption or that reduce the costs associated with maintaining reliable operation of the province’s grid. The Fund makes investments in specific projects – not companies – with clear objectives. It supports projects that validate the performance and business case of promising new technologies, practices, and services. The Fund also supports projects that identify and mitigate market barriers, or otherwise accelerate the adoption of competitive cost-effective energy solutions.

Since 2005, the Grid Innovation Fund (and its predecessor funds the Technology Development Fund and Conservation Fund) has provided financial support for more than 200 innovative energy projects across the province.

The Grid Innovation Fund invests in projects through two types of calls. First, the Fund periodically issues targeted calls for projects addressing a specific challenge or opportunity identified by the IESO. Second, at least once a year, the Fund accepts applications through open calls to capture the most promising ideas from the market. 

Open call for applications deadline November 30, 2021


October 2021 Innovation Funding Bulletin


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