October 2021 Innovation Funding Bulletin

Hello Everyone!

Last time you received a Funding Bulletin was July! It’s been brisk - hope all is well and that your company and initiatives are coming along nicely. Here’s good news - the Alberta Legislature has reconvened as of Oct 25th to focus on getting through the fourth wave of COVID-19 and moving forward on Alberta’s Recovery Plan.

This is a critical time for Alberta, both in terms of getting to the end of this fourth wave and accelerating Alberta’s positive economic momentum. This session, we will introduce legislation to implement Alberta’s Recovery Plan, a bold plan to create jobs and diversify the economy, while continuing to limit the spread of COVID-19 and get more Albertans vaccinated.” Jason Kenney, Premier

Alberta’s technology / innovation sector will benefit, and, along with securing innovation funding, employment and training funding, and, funding for global trade. Can’t say enough about what the employment and training funding programs will do for your business! The Overview of Employment & Training Grant Funding was 30+ programs, it is now 60+ programs!

The time to call is now - there’s so much funding available - it’s best to review the funding programs and build a Grant Strategy / Grant Timeline as per your requirements to be sure that you are aware the funding programs available for your company - and then make the decision to start preparing the submissions. 

Inspiring and Compelling, and, It’s About Marketing Too!

Captain Kirk in space at 90 years old - and he just had to do it! Was it really only 10 minutes and 17 seconds? How can this be! What a super marketing tool for the can do baby boomers - with a few million dollars - going where no man has gone before - but not anymore. And, it was a hydrogen-fueled rocket - 65.8 miles up with 3 or 4 minutes of weightlessness. How can this be! Just watch what William Shatner said upon landing - https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/william-shatner-blue-origin-space-flight/

Speaking about H2 “Be Prepared to be Shocked” “Proton Technologies has a unique technology to take abandoned oil wells and create “Clear Hydrogen” at a price point that is SHOCKING and almost too good to be true.”

The Silicon City of the World

Google “bought the iconic Chelsea Market and its 2.9 million-square-foot New York headquarters building within a few years of each other in the past decade…. followed up recently with a $2.1-billion purchase of the under-construction St. John’s Terminal.” Forbes Oct 20/21

Going Green

It’s the little things that add up - turning down the thermostat, accessing the heat from the sun during the day especially for homes with big windows that get a lot of sun, turning the lights off, reducing water use, hopping the C-Train - and, there's many more ways to go green!

Words to Inspire

Lastly, there’s 2 little words that inspire us all and they are ‘Alberta Ingenuity” - yours, mine and ours!

Best Regards & Be Safe & Call as You May Require to Discuss Funding Opportunities!

Eileen Ashmore, MBA, CMC Management Consultant - Technology Funding Specialist

403 252 0799 eileenashmore@strategictimelines.com 



Strategic Timelines works with your company to prepare top notch funding submissions with compelling positioning strategies to significantly increase your company’s opportunity for securing funding, financing and/or investment.


RUNWITHIT Synthetics (RWI)


DEADLINE PASSED: Grid Innovation Fund