Hydrogen’s role in a zero-emissions future

Source: David Dodge | · GREEN ENERGY FUTURES · | September 13, 2023

THydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and could be the key to unlocking a zero-emissions future.

In Edmonton, the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions come from the energy used to heat buildings and fuel our transportation and industry. According to Greg Caldwell, Director of Hydrogen at ATCO, 80% of that energy comes from liquid or gaseous fuels such as natural gas and gasoline.

“We need hydrogen to decarbonize that whole section of the energy pie,” says Caldwell.

Hydrogen gas is colourless, odourless, and tasteless. It’s highly flammable and when it burns the flame is almost invisible to the naked eye. On Earth, hydrogen most commonly exists in water and organic compounds – which are very stable under normal conditions.

It takes energy to produce hydrogen gas (H2), and how it’s produced is key to understanding how hydrogen fits into a net-zero economy.

“Hydrogen is a gas, it’s a zero-carbon energy carrier, and it allows us to deliver zero-carbon energy to our customers,” says Caldwell.

Hydrogen can be produced through various methods across Canada, based on unique regional strengths and natural resources


Bob Hawkesworth


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